Home News A statement from the SC committee concerning season tickets

The subject of season tickets was initially brought up by the SC reps at their meeting with Steve Shore and Robbie Simpson on 16th May. Over the next few days, discussions were had between the two parties around the pricing strategy and agreement was reached on 21st May, with the caveat that – regarding the Supporters’ Club’s ‘early bird’ cut-off date proposal – Steve Shore needed to “chat this through with others on Monday (23rd May) and we can then announce”.

With no such announcement forthcoming in the following week, the SC chairman sought an update on 29th May, to which Steve Shore replied, “We will get season ticket (details) out this week”. Season tickets were then announced on the football club website on 2nd June, nearly two weeks after the pricing was initially agreed. To compound matters, the football club announced on the news item that tickets could be purchased from the office during working hours from the following Monday and yet, on the first day of sale, the office was closed for the entire day (supporters were also unable to call the club as the office answer-machine was not functioning correctly). We are aware of several supporters that went to the ground to purchase their tickets only to be met by locked gates.

As a committee, we wish to express our disappointment at how long it took the football club to release the season ticket information, given that we had worked extremely quickly to get a pricing model to the club that was agreed upon within five days of the subject of season tickets initially being raised. In addition, for the office to be closed on the first day of sale was a terrible own-goal and one that we fear has further damaged the club’s reputation.

There are a lot of positives about the 2022/23 season ticket and on-the-day pricing model: matchday walk-up prices have not increased and season tickets continue to represent fantastic value for our supporters. The early bird discount essentially gives everyone the additional three home league games as a bonus. The club should be highly commended for agreeing to such a competitive pricing structure, and this has been welcomed by supporters during these difficult financial times. However, the delay in releasing the pricing, coupled with the inability for supporters to purchase their tickets in person on the first day of sales, has tarnished what should have been a fantastic “good news” story. The Supporters’ Club urges the club to start acting more decisively and swiftly on matters that have a crucial impact on supporters and the finances of the football club.
